Tag: The Week in Travel

The week in travel: September 10, 2010

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Sep 10, 2010

It’s my first Friday after turning 30, and you know what? 30 is friggin awesome. I am absolutely loving every single damn second of it. Are there downsides? Well, I’m sure there must be … I mean, I haven’t personally encountered too many yet (except that I’m now in my 30s, and for some reason…

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The week in travel: September 3, 2010

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Sep 3, 2010

It’s September. And, I just realized as I typed the title of this blog entry, my rent is late. Sigh. Seattle is trying – however pathetically – to cling to the last few days of summer. It’s not really working. For the record, even I, the girl who loves wearing a sundress more than ANYTHING,…

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The week in travel: August 27, 2010

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Aug 27, 2010

I am having a serious case of those wistful, end-of-summer blues. Fortunately, there are a few sunny days left on the calendar to keep them at bay, a few trips to sunny locales that will help me forget that soon Seattle will be back to its old gray tricks. And there are things to smile…

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The Week in Travel: August 20, 2010

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Aug 20, 2010

Rand and I just flew into Seattle last night (boy are our arms etc., etc.) after a few days in San Francisco. It was a brief, crazy, somewhat exhausting trip (adjectives which could have been avoided,  but, like all our travels, our discomfort is self-inflicted). It was, nevertheless wonderful, and you will hear all about…

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The Week in Travel: August 13, 2010

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Aug 13, 2010

I just wrote that it was 2007 in the title of this post. I changed it, but seriously, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? I do this all the time. Also, if someone wants to discuss how it isn’t really mid-August, and this is just some weird conspiracy, I would be totally okay with that. I…

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The week in Travel: August 6, 2010

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Aug 6, 2010

Dude, it’s been a week. I’m been running around and fighting off a cold simultaneously, and after a few days, I knew something was bound to give. So when I woke up this morning with a wicked sore throat and no earthly clue what day it was (no, really), I wasn’t really that shocked. Except…

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The week in travel: July 30, 2010

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Jul 30, 2010

Everything has been a little off this week. I suspect the full-moon was partially to blame. Or maybe it’s that summer just doesn’t seem to be coming to Seattle this year, and we’re a little upset about it. Or perhaps it’s that every single person I know (myself included) just hasn’t been getting enough sleep…

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The week in travel: July 23, 2010

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Jul 23, 2010

I tried to figure out where this week went, and then I realized that two days of it were spent in Los Angeles. I’ll be posting about that trip next week, but let’s just say that few things can make a day more surreal than being in Los Angeles. There’s an abundance of face boobs…

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The week in travel: July 16, 2010

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Jul 16, 2010

You know that song by The Black Eyed Peas that goes, “Tonight’s gonna be a good, good night?” Well, I’ve had that song in my head all week. Because it has been a good, good week. Summer finally came to Seattle, and with it sunshine and butterflies and ice cream cones and dreams. Too much?…

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