Tag: Random Musings

WTF Weds: Grocery Store Sign in Boise

Posted on
Nov 30, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings, WTF

The signs above grocery aisles are always amazing to me. Not only do they serve as a highlight reel for whatever is located in that aisle, but they also provide me a brief glimpse into whatever corner of the world I’m in. The items listed on those signs sustain the population of that area. These…

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WTF Weds: Hummingbird Hawk Moths, Revisited

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Nov 16, 2011

Since my post last week about our life-threatening encounter with a moth the size of a pigeon* I’ve had a lot of people kindly inform me that moths cannot, in fact, bite. They keep pestering me with “facts” and “reality”. Ugh. The biggest argument as to why moths cannot bite is that they have nothing…

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Using a camera in the rain.

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Oct 26, 2011

Don’t get your camera wet. These seems to be a fairly obvious rule, right? I can do that, can’t I? And yet, aren’t the simplest rules the hardest ones to follow? There were only three rules to taking care of a Mogwai, and none of them were that complicated, but look how that turned out.…

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Multiple Perspectives in Photographs

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Oct 24, 2011

As you may have noticed, I’m usually the one wielding the camera during most of our trips. Rand doesn’t share my same enthusiasm for snapping pictures of amusing copywriting mishaps, nor my tendency to meticulously photograph desserts. His snapshots tend to be of landmarks or geographic points-of-interest, or – gasp – of his friends. I know.…

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