Tag: Farmer’s Market

Columbia Road Flower Market, London

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Apr 30, 2013

– One of the things I love about any friendship is when you create shared memories together. It pushes you from the realm of merely “people who get along” into the world of “people who have been through some shit together.” It opens up the door to inside jokes and stories that begin with, “Remember…

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The Mercat Sant Josep de La Boqueria, Barcelona, Spain.

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Feb 27, 2012

– I am occasionally faced with a temptation that I, fortunately, have yet to act upon. My husband delicately describes it as “socially unfeasible.” I simply think it’s madness. Delicious, delicious madness. The temptation is this: I want to eat food that doesn’t belong to me. Now, before you start telling me that everyone feels…

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