Tag: Essays

How to Be Happy Forever

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Jan 7, 2016

I am talking about relationships with a friend in a dark restaurant. Rand has left the table for a moment, ostensibly to use the bathroom, though most likely to try to steal the bill. I have seen the two of them do this dance before, a race to see who can put down his credit…

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History 225: Nuptials of Friends in Foreign Lands

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Aug 17, 2015
Posted in: Personal Essay

I like watching history unfold. I am understandably fascinated by those moments that dominate the headlines, that will become fodder for essay questions in college classes a hundred years from now. The time we landed on the moon. The time communism fell. The time Obama was elected. My affections do not end there, limited to the…

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Bono, A Dinner in Dublin, And a Story I Wish Was Mine to Tell

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Mar 24, 2015
Posted in: Stories

This story is not mine, and regrettably, I can’t remember who it does belong to. We were in a crowded bar in Dublin when we first heard it, and Rand and I hung on every word. In a month when I’ve shared so many of my old stories, it seemed time to share someone else’s.…

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