Tag: Attractions

The Oregon Vortex and House of Mystery

Posted on
Oct 11, 2010

… is kind of lame. There. I said it. Sigh. Here’s the thing: I love kitsch. I love dorkiness. I love things that would make other people cringe with embarrassment, roll their eyes, and otherwise want to storm out of the theater/museum/restaurant. It brings me such gleeful joy. Like children on leashes and chocolate cigarettes,…

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The Danish village of Solvang, CA.

Posted on
Sep 23, 2010

Sometimes, I find it’s very easy to predict what I’d like. For example, if you took me to some sort of cake exhibition that required us to wear pretty clothes and comfy shoes, I would enjoy that very much. On the other hand, if you made me listen to “comedy” of Dane Cook while sampling…

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Getting to the Presidio: Part 2

Posted on
Sep 1, 2010

Today’s post is the “exciting” continuation of my attempts to get to the Presidio, which I first wrote about yesterday. Enjoy! After the complete and colossal meltdown of that morning, and a realistic assessment of the poor parenting I provided for my imaginary children, I was able to pull it together a bit. A sushi…

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The Facist Farmer Strikes Again

Posted on
Jul 26, 2010
Posted in: Random Musings, WTF

Rand and I drove down to Portland a few weeks ago for his birthday. It’s a drive we do often, and one that’s so familiar to me, one that so rarely changes, even our jokes have become recycled. And believe me, the jokes are terrible. When we pass the exit labeled “Toledo / Vader” it…

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