Category: Somewhat Useful Info

The 12 Items of Clothing I Always Pack.

Posted on
May 13, 2010

Someone recently asked me for some tips on fun, travel-worthy outfits to wear on planes. That incredibly elusive combination of stylish and comfortable. And I won’t lie: that is a very, very difficult balance to achieve, but I’d like to think that maybe, just maybe, I’m on my way there. I’ll tell you now –…

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The 10 rules of packing for a wedding

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Apr 12, 2010

I suspect that even people who rarely travel will end up taking a  trip or two because they need to attend someone’s wedding. After all, people generally like to get married in some crazy, out-of-the-way place that has sentimental value only to them (Ashland, Oregon, anyone?). Personally, I find that to be awesome. After all, your…

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Glasgow Bus Tours

Posted on
Feb 23, 2010

I was originally going to make this a Dick Move! post, but honestly, if I did that every single time I felt the inclination, that’s all this site would be (and I’m pretty sure I can’t get the domain, and if I did, I would probably get a lot of misdirected traffic). But I…

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Ten Rules for Being a Good Host

Posted on
Feb 16, 2010

I figured I couldn’t take the piss out of my brother yesterday without taking a few moments to talk about what it means to be a gracious host. Because yes, opening up your home to someone is a wonderful and generous thing to do, but if you leave them so emotionally scarred that the cost…

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