Category: Random Musings

London calling

Posted on
Dec 14, 2010
Posted in: Random Musings

I should warn you right now: I am feeling miserably sentimental. Seriously – my brain is a squishy pile of emotional goo right now. I can’t quite identify the source. But going through my photos from our London trip, I am finding myself with the overwhelming desire to pack up my bag and hop on…

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New friend, New York

Posted on
Dec 6, 2010
Posted in: Random Musings

There are people in your life who you never remember meeting. You’ve just always known them. – For Rand, that person is Kim. They’ve been friends pretty much since they’ve existed. –

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WTF Wednesday: My family is trying to kill me.

Posted on
Nov 17, 2010
Posted in: Random Musings, WTF

I love my family. And I’m fairly convinced that at least some of them love me. Nevertheless, it seems that several of them are trying to kill me, or, at the very least, trying to ensure that I will get so hopelessly lost that I will never, ever be able to find my way home.…

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Boston: a random walk, while sedated

Posted on
Nov 2, 2010

Hi. Remember me? I’ve been off the radar, somewhat unintentionally, for the last week and a half. My apologies about that. During that time, I visited every state in the tri-state area (which I’m going to pretend is an accomplishment), got lost in London and robbed in Bulgaria (okay, fine – we weren’t robbed. We…

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The permanence of family

Posted on
Oct 25, 2010
Posted in: Random Musings

When you’re a kid, familial roles seems permanent and immutable. You are one of the children, though you don’t necessarily regard yourself as such. The definition you carry is far less important than the one you’ve designated to others. Parents and aunts and uncles – these make up the grown-ups. They are caregivers and disciplinarians,…

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