Category: Random Musings

WTF Wednesday: In which a good deed shocks me

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Feb 2, 2011

Over the years, I’ve developed a mantra. A little phrase I repeat to myself, when I become so fed up with the entire world that I just might scream. I close my eyes, I take a deep breath, and I say it gently to myself. “I hate humanity,” I say. Okay, fine. So it’s not…

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An unfavorable light.

Posted on
Feb 1, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

Our trip to San Diego last over the holidays was marred with some heinous weather. It rained, for 7 straight days. In Seattle, this is known simply as “a week.” But in San Diego, land of sunshine and mirth, it was a sign of the end of days. People were acting weird. Like, vacant-eyed, moody,…

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Why Seattlites Love Portlandia

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Jan 27, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

A few nights ago, my husband and I – both lifelong Seattlites, decided to watch the premiere of Portlandia. The sketch-comedy show, filmed in Portland, features characters based on the city’s archetypal residents, and stars SNL‘s Fred Armisen, and Carrie Brownstein, formerly of Sleater-Kinney. We enjoyed it. A lot. Perhaps a little too much. At…

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Getting to downtown Sofia: Part 1

Posted on
Jan 25, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

In the wake of last week’s treatise about honestly, I feel I should be truthful about a few more things: The other day, I was eating what I thought were toffee peanuts (as the bag suggested). Instead, I found myself noshing on a few toffee peanuts, but mostly clumps of weirdly un-homogenous toffee-like particles that…

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Traveling, honestly.

Posted on
Jan 18, 2011

Years ago, my husband made a crucial mistake when speaking to my mother. He was honest. I know, I know – the idiot, right? He has yet to live it down. The date of his grievous error was sometime in 2006. We had had a fantastic time visiting my dad in Germany before driving down…

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Bulgaria: the jury is still out

Posted on
Jan 12, 2011

I tend to make rash decisions. And once I’ve made up my mind about something, there’s no changing it. There are certain things that I loathe, and even though I might have forgotten why I loathe them, I continue to do so. Because my mind has been made up. There’s little indifference in my world.…

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2010 resolutions, revisited.

Posted on
Jan 10, 2011

2011, it seems, is hell bent on keeping me from getting stuff done. Last week I was waylaid by a wicked cold. I was determined to catch up this weekend, posting like a mad woman, but the internet has been down for the last 24 hours. I know that doesn’t sound like a long time,…

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My family is nuts: the Christmas edition

Posted on
Jan 3, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

I have much to tell you. There are still trips from 2010 that I have yet to blog about. And photos of things that you absolutely must see. There are Dick Moves!, and museum exhibits, and taco stands that deserve mention. Also, Stevie Wonder and former President Clinton might have made cameos. All in all?…

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