Category: Random Musings

Home Introspection

Posted on
Apr 25, 2011

– Hi. Remember me? Yeah, it’s been a while. And I’m sincerely sorry. Those of you who’ve followed the blog religiously for last year or so (to whom I say both “thank you” and “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?”) know that this is out-of-character. My highly-developed sense of Catholic guilt combined with an over-achiever attitude…

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And not a single f#ck was given that day.

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Apr 13, 2011

There comes a point, when traveling, that you simply cease to care. You may find that everything in your suitcase inexplicably smells like sauerkraut, or that you are sharing a train car with a guy who you are absolutely certain has a hacked up body in his bag, and provided none of those things prevent…

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Weathering the storms …

Posted on
Apr 12, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

“You know what they say … if you don’t like the weather, shut up.” – text of an email I received from Groupon today. Spring is coming. I know technically it’s already here, should have started roughly a month ago, but in Seattle all bets are off. In this town,  you see things that will…

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Gone phishing …

Posted on
Apr 11, 2011

I like to think that I possess a healthy dose of skepticism. I never truly bought into the whole “Santa” myth as a kid, though I totally pretended to in order to bond with a friend of mine (my commitment to the Catholic church also had similar origins). I have been known to call shenanigans…

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Taking the long way home.

Posted on
Mar 8, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

I’ve been reading a lot about Italy lately, in anticipation of an upcoming trip. Blog posts from my fellow Americans, mostly, about their thoughts on the country, and specifically Rome. They all tend to center around the same themes: the city is crazy, the people are crazy, the traffic is crazy, watch your purse/wallet/bag, and…

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The best travel stories never told.

Posted on
Mar 2, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

There are the travel stories you can tell everyone. The people at the bus stop, your dentist, your co-workers. You can safely tell them about how you went to Southern California and it poured every day, or how in Scotland they offer scotch as a topping for oatmeal. You can do this without fear of…

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He was made for sunny days

Posted on
Mar 1, 2011

And we never did stop talking and you still light up the room/ I was made for sunny days. I make due with gray/ I was made for sunny days and I was made for you. – There’s a song Rand has been playing a lot recently. It breaks my heart a little, each time…

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Breaking the rules, and making mom proud.

Posted on
Feb 9, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

I obey the rules. Like, always. I can’t help it: I’m from Seattle. We don’t jaywalk. We wait our turn. And if someone cuts in front of us in line? Well, you can be damn sure we will politely glare at their backs and pray that the universe will smite them for their transgressions. When…

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