Category: Random Musings

Love bites from the Universe

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Jun 10, 2011

There are times when the universe likes to remind you that it, and not you, is in charge. And the reminders are not entirely painless. They’re reminiscent of the love bites my cousin’s dog gives. You think you’re playing around, and then all of a sudden – “OUCH.” You make it through intact, but still…

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Thanks, everyone

Posted on
Jun 6, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

Thank you all for your kind words, retweets, comments, Facebook likes, and support today. It’s been truly amazing, and I really feel humbled and undeserving of all of the attention I’ve received. I mean, I not saying I don’t love it. I’m just saying … it’s all a little overwhelming, and hard to process. I’m…

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Dominent genes

Posted on
Jun 6, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

Edward and I have inherited a tendency from our dad. I’m not sure if it’s a conscious one (I know for me, it’s not. Hell, I’m doing it right now). Our faces, at rest, are usually scowls. It might be that the opening for our ocular nerve is abnormally big, thus letting in too much…

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The Secrets of Rome

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Jun 1, 2011

There are parts of our Rome trip which I would like to share with you, but I can’t. I would like, for example, to share with you the name of the restaurant where Rand’s friend Fleur took us, but I swore to her that I would not. I willfully forgot its name and location. I…

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Practically impractical.

Posted on
May 31, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

They are four-inch-tall, rhinestone-studded confections. And they were probably a mistake. – And yet, I regret nothing. I found them in a boutique near Piazza Navona, as the rain fell on our last morning in Rome. I saw them in the window, and stopped abruptly. The way romantic leads do in Hollywood movies. I stopped,…

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WTF Wednesday: Messing with Rand (a short play)

Posted on
May 25, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings, WTF

My husband is a lovely and trusting soul. He has this persistent and annoying belief that humans are good at heart, despite my greatest attempts to contrary. I can’t seem to quash his faith in people, nor eliminate that sparkle of hope that permanently shines in his eye. Behold: – That doesn’t mean I haven’t…

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Politics are complicated.

Posted on
May 2, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

Should the great day ever dawn that  I have children, I imagine that their studies of U.S. history will be divided by a line of demarcation on September 11th, 2001. There will be the America that existed before that date, and the America that existed after, and even the most worldly of us have to…

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