Category: Random Musings

Sick Day

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Oct 10, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

I am taking a sick day. Possibly two. My head feels like it is simultaneously underwater and in a vice. And yet, all I can be is grateful for this diabolical cold (can it even be called that? Colds seem to be adorable, light little things easily relieved by a pack of tissues and NyQuil…

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Home Again: Visiting Indialantic, Florida

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Oct 5, 2011

– As a kid, I never understood the expression “You can’t go home again”. I thought it was idiotic. After sleepovers at friends’ houses, after long afternoons at band practice, after a week at SeaCamp (oh, don’t act so surprised: I was and still am a dork), home was always waiting for me. No matter…

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September, Love, and New York.

Posted on
Sep 12, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

September 11th came and went, and I was somewhat relieved it was on a Sunday, meaning that I didn’t necessarily have to post about it. Because, as selfish as this may sound, I’m truly terrible when it comes to writing about tragedies or events that deserve respect. I try to seek out the good in…

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Ruminations on a headless doll.

Posted on
Sep 7, 2011

I was going through some photos from the past year (yes, I was feeling nostalgic for 30), and I came across this little gem, taken last summer when I was visiting family down in California: – The doll belonged to my cousin’s youngest daughter – and it was headless. My cousin’s eldest helpfully pointed out…

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Now we are 31.

Posted on
Sep 7, 2011

I have to share something with you has absolutely nothing to do with travel. Not really, anyway. It’s a little narcissistic. I hope you won’t mind. Ready? Here goes: It’s my birthday. I know. I’m positively tickled. I love birthdays. Entire days dedicated to eating cake and wearing party dresses. It’s not unlike what I…

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To Wichita, with love

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Sep 1, 2011

There was a knock on the bathroom door in the middle of the night. “Are you okay?” “I’m fine,” I said. Which was sort of true. I was presently in the process of squatting in my friend’s old clawfoot bathtub, running cold water over my head and body in an attempt to alleviate the crippling…

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The Inconvenient Truth About Travel

Posted on
Aug 29, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings

Life is not convenient. You are most likely not shocked by this revelation, right? I mean, you probably suspected that life wasn’t meant to be convenient from a very early age. Like when you were curled up in bed during winter break, all snug and cozy, and you realize that you desperately have to pee.…

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