Category: Random Musings

The Occupy Seattle Encampment, After Eviction

Posted on
Dec 13, 2011

Yesterday afternoon, and in the wee hours of the morning today, a group of Occupy protesters headed down to the Port of Seattle. There they blocked traffic, attempted to shut down operations at the port, and clashed with police. Eleven people were arrested. I, unaware of where the action actually was, walked along what was…

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Pictures of Seattle Center: Then and Now.

Posted on
Dec 13, 2011

My head is a little scattered right now. I just unfriended a young man on Facebook who I’ve known since high school. He was always a fun guy – clever and hilarious and really a joy to be around. I unfriended him because a comment of his on one of my posts left me so…

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Posted on
Dec 1, 2011

Dear Rand, You know what today is, right? Yeah. Holy shit. Sorry. I know cussing is only for special occasions like the Superbowl and visiting your family. But still. HOLY SHIT, RAND. I think we might need to count them, to make sure it’s actually true.

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WTF Weds: Grocery Store Sign in Boise

Posted on
Nov 30, 2011
Posted in: Random Musings, WTF

The signs above grocery aisles are always amazing to me. Not only do they serve as a highlight reel for whatever is located in that aisle, but they also provide me a brief glimpse into whatever corner of the world I’m in. The items listed on those signs sustain the population of that area. These…

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