Category: Random Musings

Warning Signs on the Way to Montjuic

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Feb 15, 2012
Posted in: Random Musings

Every time I travel to Europe, I am consistently amused by the warning signs I encounter (as far as entertainment value, they rank up there with Italian television, which is no small feat. TV shows in Italy make no sense and often include dance interludes with women in tiny dresses. Chauvinism has never been more hilarious). In…

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Missing the Show: The Magical Fountain of Montjuic

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Feb 6, 2012

I tend to miss things. Street signs. Major themes in books and film (I watched Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and was woefully confused because I kept getting distracted by Benedict Cumberbatch’s hair). And often, when I travel, I tend to miss precisely what it was I set out to see on that day. This past…

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Multiple Perspectives in Photos: Barcelona Edition

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Jan 9, 2012

I can, at times, be a little opinionated (I know, I know. Shocking, right?). I’ve found myself at odds with all sorts of people – local politicians, NFL referees, the judges of American Idol – due to our differing viewpoints. I can’t help it. I’m Italian. We’re a passionate bunch. Recently, a disagreement with someone had…

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Thoughts Scribbled on a Boarding Pass

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Jan 5, 2012
Posted in: Random Musings

On a flight back from New Jersey last week, I found an old boarding pass that I’d been using as a bookmark. It was, incidentally, for the same route I was currently on – Newark to Seattle. I needed something to write on, and I didn’t want the bother of opening up my laptop. Looking…

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Holiday Hangover

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Jan 2, 2012

It is the first Monday of the new year, and I am sure many of you, like me, are in the throes of a rather nasty vacation hangover. I can picture you, wherever you may find yourself (at the office; in a minivan full of children you don’t really know or like; in central holding…

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Thoughts and Photos from Occupy London

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Dec 19, 2011

– I visited Occupy London on an unseasonably warm and sunny day in late October. In a paradox that is no doubt indicative of who I am, I stopped off at St. Paul’s Cathedral, where the Occupy protesters were gathered, before heading off to Spitalfields (the famed shopping district).

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