Category: Random Musings

The Beauty and the Beast in New York

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Mar 27, 2012

I dreamed of New York for years before I actually made it there. And when I was fortunate enough to finally visit, I found it was not as I had anticipated. The city did not twinkle all the time. In fact, only a few parts of it did, and we had to seek them out.…

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Ruminations Over Five Pesos

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Mar 22, 2012
Posted in: Random Musings

– – On a bright September morning, I sat in a small cafe in the Barcelona Airport, staring at the change my husband had been handed back from a barista. We were about to leave Spain for New York. “What is this?” I said, holding up one of his coins. “It’s two Euros,” Rand replied, disinterested.…

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The Seattle Freeze: Making Friendships Better

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Mar 6, 2012

– I’ve tried writing this post three times already. I spent the whole morning working on it, then most of the afternoon. At one point, it may have even reduced me to tears. And by “may have” I mean “definitely.” The problem is that I can’t be objective on this topic. I know what you’re…

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Taking photos of art? Get people in the shot.

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Mar 5, 2012

– I’ve mentioned before that I don’t think photos should be taken in museums. And I stand by that point, even though I’m a really huge hypocrite about the whole thing. I defend my actions by claiming that I have to take photos for the blog. If I couldn’t take pictures, I’d have to pepper…

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A Night in San Francisco (A Play in Two Acts)

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Feb 20, 2012
Posted in: Random Musings

The Scene: San Francisco, on a chilly night.   The Characters: Geraldine, who is totally awesome. Rand, who is usually awesome but last night left his dirty laundry in a pile on the bedroom floor, which is so not cool.   Act I: Geraldine and Rand are walking down a street in San Francisco. It…

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