Category: Random Musings

Anatomy of a Souvenir: Little bird in a metal cage, Garmisch

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Apr 27, 2012
Posted in: Random Musings

– I’m not big on souvenirs. At least, not in the traditional sense. Rand and I are on the road a lot, and if I purchased every delightfully tasteless memento I encountered, we’d long ago have been buried under a pile of snowglobes, novelty beer bottle openers, and tiny resin sculptures of bears in swimming trunks.…

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House Rules For A Childhood Friend

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Apr 12, 2012

My friend Katie is coming to visit. By the time this post goes live, she’ll be here. I have been nervously anticipating her visit, in the same way I do all encounters with friends from my childhood. Katie and I have known eachother since the fifth grade. For more than two decades, she’s had some…

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Reflections on a lost elephant

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Apr 10, 2012

– I intended to hang on to the elephant for longer. Rand bought him for me on a rainy afternoon at a toy store in Portland. He was sitting in clear bin in the window, with a zoofull of other animals. A plastic menagerie.

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