Signs I Really Didn’t Want to Obey, South Africa
I swear, whoever put these up was just trying to spoil all my fun … –
I swear, whoever put these up was just trying to spoil all my fun … –
– My husband is a non-believer. I don’t mean to say he isn’t religious. At least, I don’t mean to just say that he isn’t religious. There are lots of things that Rand doesn’t believe in or ascribe to. Here is a short list: Tarot cards Palm readers Any type of healing that involves crystals…
– There are moments of my life that are so perfect, so ridiculously wonderful, that eloquence fails me. You’d think that those would be the times when words would come most easily. But when you are surrounded by poetry, it is incredibly hard to create more of it. You simply look around, stupefied, and think,…
– I’m a bit of an organizational freak. Some of you, especially those who have spent any amount of time on my blog, may find that hard to believe. I seem to flit from one location to the next, and the narrative of my travels soon becomes convoluted. I dart around like a homing pigeon…
Walking down a crowded street on a rainy night in Dublin, we heard the distinct sounds of people watching an outdoor movie. I can’t specifically say what the noises were – it’s strange how despite the thousands of films in existence, and the myriad of soundtracks and dialogues and moods expressed therein, they all start…
I was cleaning out my office the other day (or, to be more accurate, slowly moving pieces of paper from one pile to another while absentmindedly flipping through a JCrew catalog and also eating brownies … but I was in my office. So there.) and I came across this note I wrote to myself ages…
– I’ve been curating a theatrical trailer for the crazed, unscripted movie that is my life. It plays whenever I’m prompted to take stock of my existence: on the night before I got married; in the days prior to my surgery; during the one ill-fated evening in a New York hotel that our toilet started…
– I get email. Lots of it. Sometimes, it’s not even meant for me. (A phenomenon that I can’t quite fathom. When people don’t have someone’s email address, do they just guess, and follow it with “”? Do they deduce phone numbers by punching a random series of numbers? Instead of asking where their friends…
It is nearly midnight, the day after the U.S. elections. The results were not, in my opinion at least, very shocking. Nate Silver correctly predicted how each state would vote – even the swing states. The rest went as they always did: much of the middle and the south were red; the entire left coast went…