Category: Photos

Multiple Perspectives in Photographs: Ireland Edition

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Feb 25, 2016
Posted in: Photos

My endless fascination with two people taking photos at the same time continues. In Ireland, as I was snapping photos, Wil was doing the same (albeit more competently, with an eye for composition and light and all those other things that photographers understand and I do not). Here’s my photo, taken on the side of…

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Wil and Rand and Rio in Ireland.

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Nov 6, 2015

We went to Ireland with our friends Wil and Nora, their son Rio, and the amazing Emily, nanny-extraordinaire (she also helped take care of me and Rand, which was nice). I took these photos on a rainy day while we walked around Cork. They simultaneously made my uterus explode, and also made me think that…

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Adoration in Photos: Then and Now

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Aug 27, 2015

October 2010. Sofia, Bulgaria. I call my expression in this photo “adoringly demented.” Because it is.   July 2015. Oxford, England.   Notice that: I continue to wear earrings the size of salad plates. I have managed to tone down the “I am going to eat your skin” crazy face. Rand has inexplicably gotten handsomer.

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Milan, in Photos.

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Jul 16, 2015
Posted in: Photos

Milan doesn’t really feel like Italy. It lacks the craziness of the south, the noise and chaos that flows through my veins and feels like home. But it is lovely nonetheless. Here is the Duomo in the sunlight.

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Sunshine and Snow in Germany

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Apr 28, 2015
Posted in: Photos

I complain about the inclement nature of Seattle in March, but I didn’t think twice when we arrived in Bavaria and found that there was still snow on the ground. One morning, when I felt the madness that only jet lag can bring, and found myself bouncing around our hotel room like a hummingbird on…

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