Category: Food

Cadeaux Bakery, Vancouver, Canada

Posted on
Aug 19, 2013
Posted in: City Guide, Food

I’m taking a brief reprieve from my tales of Paris to tell you about a French Bakery … in Vancouver. I’ll get back to the city of light tomorrow. – I am standing on a street corner in a dodgy part of Vancouver, British Columbia, on the verge of a hunger-induced meltdown. I’m blaming Oli.…

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The Eclairs at Boulangerie 28, Paris, France

Posted on
Aug 6, 2013
Posted in: City Guide, Food

– Today we are going to talk about eclairs. Because my blog tackles the tough issues. But first, let me tell you about one of my earliest memories. It is, depending on how you look at it, equal parts tragic and wonderful. When I was a wee little Everywhereist (back during a time when a…

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Macarons in Paris

Posted on
Aug 5, 2013
Posted in: Food

For many years, I didn’t really get macarons. – {For those who have devoted less of their waking hours to the study, acquisition, and consumption of baked goods, I would like to take a brief moment to delineate French “macarons” from “macaroons”. While it is, essentially, the same word (one is the French variant, the…

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Chez H’anna Restaurant, Marais, Paris

Posted on
Jul 25, 2013

– I never, ever thought I’d tire of eating French food, but at some point during our short jaunt I realized that I could not eat another duck confit. To be fair, this was less about being sick of duck confit and more about wanting to fit into the trousers I had brought with me.…

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Mamak Malaysian Restaurant, Sydney, Australia

Posted on
Jun 20, 2013

The first time Rand and I visited Sydney, we ate at the Opera House restaurant (at the invitation of conference organizers). Our meal was absurdly posh and beautiful. Later, every one of us who partook in the oysters at dinner (myself, and a few other miserable souls) got a wicked case of food poisoning. As…

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WTF Wednesday: The Price of Food on Hayman Island

Posted on
May 22, 2013

I know, I know. You guys were probably expecting the exciting conclusion of yesterday’s post, in which I tell you all about snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef, and also whether or not there were kittens. Unfortunately, I realized that all those photos are still on Rand’s laptop, and I’m currently overcome with a strong…

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Hummingbird Bakery, and Screaming Strangers

Posted on
Apr 25, 2013
Posted in: City Guide, Food

– To this day, I have fond memories of my English class senior year of high school. Even though it was (ahem) a little while ago, I remember it acutely. Our teacher was a gentleman named Mr. Willems, who remains to this day one of the best instructors I’ve ever had. He was fond of…

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