Category: Food

Traditional Dishes of Valencia: Paella vs. Arròs Negre

Posted on
Apr 29, 2015
Posted in: Food, Restaurants

My muscles hurt. This is only slightly unexpected. I have been known, on occasion, to go for a run, even if it might be in pursuit of an ice cream truck. But lately, I’ve been running, doing the occasional push-up, and, perhaps most shockingly of all, I’ve been eating with a more discerning eye. This…

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Salzburger Nockerl: Austria’s Eggy Dessert

Posted on
Apr 23, 2015
Posted in: Food

We went to Salzburg for the afternoon, again at Jeff’s suggestion (for a guy who hates bedazzlers, he knows what’s up). It was the weekend and everything was closed, so we went for a walk, which mostly consisted of me following my husband as he climbed up hills. It’s as though he has still failed…

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The Return to Taverna Buonvicino

Posted on
Mar 17, 2015
Posted in: Food, Restaurants

Many, many months ago, before life and travel got in the way, I had started to tell you all about our favorite restaurant in Amalfi: Taverna Buonvicino. I wrote about our first visit there, and how we loved it so much we went back again. But I never finished that story. Part of me wondered…

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WTF Weds: Durian. Ugh. Durian.

Posted on
Jul 23, 2014
Posted in: Food, WTF, WTF Wednesdays

I would like to take a moment to talk about durian. I have to. I have spent the larger part of the morning working on a post about the Khmer Rouge, and I very much need a mental break, and talking about stinky fruit will allow for that to happen. So. Durian. The stuff is…

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Taverna Buonvicino, Amalfi, Italy

Posted on
Jul 3, 2014
Posted in: Food, Restaurants

  It is very, very hard to find a good, reasonably priced meal in Amalfi. Most places we went to were subpar. They could afford to be – they’d have a steady stream of tourists coming in regardless of the quality of the food. There were a few more restaurants that were staggeringly well-reviewed, but also…

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