The Blog

A Note to Myself, Regarding Bigfoot

Posted on
Dec 6, 2012
Posted in: Random Musings

I was cleaning out my office the other day (or, to be more accurate, slowly moving pieces of paper from one pile to another while absentmindedly flipping through a JCrew catalog and also eating brownies … but I was in my office. So there.) and I came across this note I wrote to myself ages…

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The Week: Nov 30, 2012

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Nov 30, 2012

My apologies for the light number of posts this week. I was working on a few things, but none of them came to fruition. Like this following excerpt, which never became a post. I’ve included it because I feel it properly explains why I was absent from the blog (I was recovering from a food…

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The (Shortened) Week: November 21, 2012

Posted on
Nov 21, 2012

I was trying to write an intro for this week’s roundup, and felt uninspired, so I just came up with some placeholder text instead. “Blah blah blah turkey turkey turkey football family pie.” And looking back on it, I realize it pretty much sums up everything I wanted to say. To those of you in…

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Gift Baskets: Your Ticket Out of Guilt

Posted on
Nov 20, 2012

– Sometimes, I suck. I mean, big time. Several of you are reading those lines and thinking, “Oh, yes, I know. I was just about to leave a comment on your blog expressing that EXACT same sentiment.” Others of you are thinking, “Well, sure, you suck, but who among us does not?” And for your…

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