The Blog

The Week: December 22, 2012

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Dec 22, 2012

It is three days until Christmas. CHRISTMAS. There is just over a week left in 2012. This has taken me somewhat by suprise (fear not: I am dealing with it adequately. Yesterday I had two salted caramel ice creams). I feel like the holiday season came up while I was in the middle of telling a story…

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Skinflint Pizza, Dublin, Ireland

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Dec 18, 2012

– I’d never heard the term “skinflint” before visiting Dublin. Truth be told, it sounds rather dirty. Like, “Did you hear about Janine? She caught skinflint while riding on the subway.” Or, “I’ve heard he’s done a lot of things in the past that he’s not proud of. Like, you know … skinflint.” Or, “Be…

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Rounding a Corner in Dublin …

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Dec 17, 2012

Walking down a crowded street on a rainy night in Dublin, we heard the distinct sounds of people watching an outdoor movie. I can’t specifically say what the noises were – it’s strange how despite the thousands of films in existence, and the myriad of soundtracks and dialogues and moods expressed therein, they all start…

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Crackbird Restaurant, Dublin, Ireland

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Dec 17, 2012

– I walked into Crackbird with a bit of trepidation. It’s an immensely popular restaurant in Dublin, and they specialize in fried chicken – as well as grilled and roasted – but fried is their signature, and the name of the restaurant is a play on its apparently addictive qualities. They want you to describe…

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The Week: December 14, 2012

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Dec 14, 2012

I HAVE HOLIDAY SHOPPING TO DO. Please excuse me while I go freak out. Christmas is in 11 days. Hanukkah is basically over. To everyone in my life: let’s just pretend that my love is gift enough, okay? It’s like an Amazon gift card for your heart or something like that. On with the links!…

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Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland

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Dec 10, 2012

– Are you tired of hearing about Ireland? Truth be told, I thought I’d be done by now. But damn, a lot happened in Ireland. (I realize I could be referring to both our trip, and to the country’s rich history. Since both would be accurate statements, I am leaving that sentence intentionally vague).  Every…

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The Week: December 7th, 2012

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Dec 7, 2012

I started typing the title to this post and thought, “No, it can’t be December already. It’s like, mid-October, at the latest.” Sigh. For the record, I also think it’s 2005. While I find a calendar and struggle to accept the cruel and relentless marching on of time, you enjoy these links. ————— A flight…

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