The Blog

The Milwaukee Cupcake Company, Milwaukee, WI

Posted on
Jan 13, 2013

– Do you ever have moments of extreme clarity? I’m not referring to those times when the skies above you are cloud free, or when your skin is looking absent of blemishes, almost to the point of vulnerability. No. I live in Seattle, and I eat lots of cake. My clarity does not manifest itself…

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The Week: January 11, 2013

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Jan 11, 2013

It is so bright in my office (what is this thing that’s happening right now? Sun … shine? I think that’s what it’s called) that I’m actually squinting. SQUINTING. In Seattle. In January. I need to get outside immediately and soak up some Vitamin D. But before I run off, I wanted to share this…

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Ninja Poltergeists and Forgotten Photos

Posted on
Jan 11, 2013

– I’m a bit of an organizational freak. Some of you, especially those who have spent any amount of time on my blog, may find that hard to believe. I seem to flit from one location to the next, and the narrative of my travels soon becomes convoluted. I dart around like a homing pigeon…

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Queen of Tarts, Dublin, Ireland

Posted on
Jan 9, 2013

– After my brain surgery, I had trouble accepting that I was unchanged. “Do I seem different?” I would ask Rand, time and again. “No,” he’d reply. “Baby, you are exactly the same.” And I’d stare at my reflection in the mirror, at my steroid-induced moonface, and say, “But I look different.” “It’s not how…

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Kilmainham Gaol (Jail), Dublin, Ireland

Posted on
Jan 7, 2013

– I was talking recently with some friends, and they were telling me about a new phenomenon in the processing of coffee beans. The fad involved coffee cherries that are passed through the digestive track of a civet cat (mammals native to the islands of Java and Sumatra). The cats can’t process the beans themselves,…

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