The Blog

The Week: February 8, 2013

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Feb 8, 2013

I’m sorry that the blog has been so thin after the last few weeks. South Africa was amazing and all-engrossing, and took me away from my email and the site for quite a while. And even though we got back on Monday (at least, I think it was Monday. Who knows, really), I’m still not…

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WTF Weds: South African Fudge

Posted on
Feb 6, 2013
Posted in: Food, WTF, WTF Wednesdays

– I’m having a brief moment of wakefulness right now. I haven’t had too many of those as of late. I’ve gone through the last few days in the fog of jetlag, waking up at 4 in the morning and crashing (heavily) around 7 or 8pm. My body and my brain are making it painfully…

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12 Photos from Wisconsin: Milwaukee to Green Bay

Posted on
Jan 28, 2013
Posted in: Photos, Top Ten

– The main drawback of communicating mostly through sarcasm (if, indeed, there is any) is this: on the rare occasion when you are sincere, people don’t believe you. They think you are being a snide jerk, and the more you try to convince them otherwise, the worse it gets. This happened time and again whenever…

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Blog will be slow this week. Because elephants.

Posted on
Jan 27, 2013
Posted in: Site News

I am in South Africa. It is nearly 7 in the morning, local time. Rand is breathing softly in the bed, and outside the winds are so strong, they are shaking our hotel room window. Yesterday, I went on safari. I giggled, and it startled an elephant. I’m going to say that again, because it…

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Blue’s Egg, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Posted on
Jan 24, 2013

Before we dined there, we had trouble discerning what Blue’s Egg was. The menu was eclectic and high-brow, but the setting (in a small strip mall) suggested a casual diner. – In truth, it was both – that blissful mix of homey and familiar, strange and exotic. Plus, there were cookies topped with bacon.

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The week: January 18, 2013

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Jan 18, 2013

There’s a fog over my town. It’s been here for days. It hangs outside my window this evening, and will be there tomorrow when I wake up. Everything has been transformed by it. People vanish into and out of the mist; I don’t recognize my street, have trouble picking out the outline of my home.…

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