The Blog

Aquila Game Reserve, Touwsriver, South Africa

Posted on
Feb 27, 2013
Posted in: Attractions

– I never imagined myself to be the sort of person who’d go on safari. It’s just not in my genetics. I don’t really like the sun. Large animals frighten me. And I don’t look all that good in khaki. Plus, I have very short legs, and I’m not particularly good at running. If things…

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The Week: February 15, 2013

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Feb 15, 2013

I’m sorry that blogging has not been regular. Life has been crazypants (I think that’s the technical word for it). I promise, things will normalize after next Wednesday. Why Wednesday? Because that’s when I’m speaking at Ignite Seattle, and the crazy monkey on my back that keeps screeching and pulling my hair will finally be…

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Robben Island, South Africa

Posted on
Feb 14, 2013

– I have a problem with mixing up beauty and goodness. I am fully aware of how bad this is. I mean, I’ve seen Snow White, guys. I get that the evil queen can be both hot and, well, evil. But I still have trouble getting my head around that fact. I just can’t get…

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WTF Weds: Labia Theater, Cape Town, South Africa

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Feb 13, 2013

There are times when I have trouble accepting that I am, in fact, an adult. Despite having voted in THREE presidential elections, consistently writing grocery lists that don’t include candy, and being carded approximately NEVER, I still  can’t wrap my head around this whole “adulthood” thing. I’m fairly certain that someone fudged up the math, and we’ll soon…

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Two Oceans Aquarium, Cape Town, South Africa

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Feb 11, 2013

– I have a little bit of psychotic episode every time I go to an aquarium. Part of me is thinking, “You should not be here. You are in some amazing part of the world that few people get to visit, and you should be out seeing unusual and unique things and not staring, slack-jawed,…

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