Stranded on the Side of The Road in South Africa
On the drive to Bushman’s Kloof from Cape Town, our bus overheated.
On the drive to Bushman’s Kloof from Cape Town, our bus overheated.
– We first arrived at Bushman’s Kloof in the late afternoon. It had been an absurdly hot day, and the sun was now inching back towards the horizon. It was the sort of weather that makes you swear that you will never eat anything again that isn’t presented to you in popsicle form. Still, when…
It is sunny in my damp little corner of the world. The hippies are already congregating in the park, beating their damn drum incessantly. And this Sunday, despite we’re all going to collectively be an hour late to something. In short: spring is coming. Personally, I can’t wait (except for the damn hippie drum circle).…
– When Rand first told me that Bushman’s Kloof had not one, but several infinity pools, I promptly freaked out. “How is that even possible?” I squealed. “It’s a luxury resort,” Rand explained. “That still doesn’t make sense. They are messing with THE VERY FABRIC OF SPACE TIME.” With that statement, my husband paused, and took a…
– Rand often tells me that it takes a lot to please me. I argue that this isn’t exactly true. I require very few things to be happy. I’ve explained time and again that I require little else in life than a cupcake or four, his undivided attention, and a really comfortable couch. The problem is…
– I don’t really know how to begin telling you about Bushman’s Kloof. Words don’t usually fail me. In fact, I often have them in excess. They dribble out of my mouth at particularly inopportune times. Like when I’m telling a story at noisy party, and I find myself shouting the gory details in order…
I occasionally wonder if I’m alone in the things I find humorous. I’ve laughed – often hysterically – at stuff that other people don’t seem to find funny. – I usually figure that those other people are in bad moods, have lousy senses of humor, or are plagued with that affliction of sanity that I…
It’s March. That’s the month that supposedly comes in like a lion and out like a lamb, right? But in Seattle, March comes in more like a slug (or possibly a damp mop) and goes out pretty much the same way. However, right now? It is not raining. I mean, it will probably start in…
Last week the blog was a little thin. I was so busy, I was only able to get one post up. It wasn’t that I had a ton to do, or that I didn’t feel like writing. It’s because I was getting ready to speak at Ignite Seattle. The Ignite Conference series is built around…