The Blog

Beigel Bake Brick Lane Bakery, London

Posted on
Apr 23, 2013

– Do you remember the interstitial sketch from Monty Python where John Cleese would say, “And now for something completely different?” That seems like the perfect way to start off today’s post. Because today I am moving away from South Africa to tell you about the few brief days we spent in London. And I…

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Vicky’s B&B, Khayetlisha, South Africa

Posted on
Apr 22, 2013
Posted in: City Guide, Hotels

– In writing about South Africa, I wanted to finish on a high note. I really did. But I’m at the end now, and this last post about our trip deals with stuff that is, in no uncertain terms, heartbreaking and tragic. I’m sorry. In the wake of the last few weeks, I really wanted…

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The Week: April 19, 2013

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Apr 19, 2013

Good heavens. It’s been a rough few days. I hope you are all well. I hope you are all safe, and warm, and that your loved ones are, too. Stuff remains crazy this morning, as it has been all week. I’ve tried to find some fun, pithy links to include in this roundup, but those…

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We Go to a Pub in a Township, and Try the Local Brew

Posted on
Apr 18, 2013
Posted in: Attractions, Food

– My husband is a beer snob. It’s something I find quite endearing. The guy rarely touches wine, and ignores most liquors (with the exception of scotch because it’s scotch. It’s basically like drinking a campfire, i.e., amazing), but he’s somewhat of a fanatic for beer.

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Township Tour, Cape Town, South Africa

Posted on
Apr 16, 2013

– Rand and I have been talking a lot about entitlement lately. It’s something that comes up a lot for both us. I think we’re both incredibly scared of forgetting just how damn lucky we are. Every now and then, I take a minute think about how charmed my existence is: how every single day…

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Thoughts on the Boston Marathon Attacks

Posted on
Apr 15, 2013
Posted in: Random Musings

– Most of you, regardless of whether you live in the states, have probably heard about the bombings that occurred at the Boston Marathon today, which killed three people, and injured more than a hundred others, some of them critically. Those who were there describe a horrific scene of smoke and screaming and severed limbs.…

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The Week: April 12, 2013

Posted on
Apr 12, 2013

I needed a good laugh or three this week. Below are a few links that made me smile. I hope you enjoy them, too. ————— There is an adorable little mouse that is totally awesome. It eats scorpions and howls at the moon. ————— Roger Ebert passed away last week. This prescient post about how…

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A Not-So-Brief History of Apartheid in South Africa

Posted on
Apr 11, 2013

– After we returned to Cape Town, Rand and I took a township tour. I think, without hyperbole, it may have been one of the most significant experiences of my life. I very much want to tell you about it, but it’s impossible to talk about the townships without first talking about apartheid in South…

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