The Blog

The Week: June 21, 2013

Posted on
Jun 21, 2013

Happy Solstice, everyone! I hope you are celebrating by eating goats and procreating and worshiping the sun (confession: I don’t know how people celebrate the solstice). I’ve got an old friend in town (she’s running the Seattle half-marathon this weekend), so we’re going to enjoy the longest day of the year by eating everything in…

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10 Photos From The Sydney Fish Market

Posted on
Jun 21, 2013
Posted in: Photos, Site News, Top Ten

I have exciting news. Okay, maybe it’s not that exciting. I mean, I think it’s pretty great news, but I get excited over some silly stuff. Like whenever a vending machine messes up and drops two of whatever candy you selected. Or that time that Rand and I went to a video arcade and the…

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Mamak Malaysian Restaurant, Sydney, Australia

Posted on
Jun 20, 2013

The first time Rand and I visited Sydney, we ate at the Opera House restaurant (at the invitation of conference organizers). Our meal was absurdly posh and beautiful. Later, every one of us who partook in the oysters at dinner (myself, and a few other miserable souls) got a wicked case of food poisoning. As…

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Australia for Beginners

Posted on
Jun 18, 2013
Posted in: Random Musings

I recently saw a movie on the flight back from Paris called Beginners. I really loved the style of the film, which played out in a series of flashbacks. You can see what I mean in the movie trailer. I decided to emulate it in this post. It gets a little weird. I promise: tomorrow…

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The Paris Gold Ring Scam

Posted on
Jun 17, 2013

I know I owe you a few stories out of Sydney, but I absolutely have to tell you about something that happened to me – TWICE – in Paris. We’ll get back to Sydney later this week. I promise. – Remember the movie The Matrix? Please, please say that you do, and that you weren’t,…

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My Bathroom Reveals That Jet Lag = Drunk.

Posted on
Jun 16, 2013

Observation: being jet lagged isn’t that radically different from being drunk. Your short term memory suffers, you find yourself in dire need of a sandwich and a shower (and briefly consider how you might tackle both simultaneously), and you litter your home with random articles of clothing. Behold: –

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In Front of the Sydney Opera House: Then and Now

Posted on
Jun 14, 2013

Hi, everyone! Remember me? I know, I know. I inadvertently took a week off of blogging. I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to. After France we headed to Germany and … well, have you ever tried to get internet access in rural Bavaria? It’s impossible. On the plus side, it’s very easy to get good…

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The Week: June 7, 2013

Posted on
Jun 7, 2013

We are in Paris this week. PARIS. It’s positively amazing. Everyone is wearing sensible flats and looks like a 60s-era movie star. Plus, every single bakery we see is, by definition, a French bakery. Despite being able to say roughly 20 words in French, I am pleased to say that I know how to order cake,…

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Rain in Sydney, and We Don’t Mind at All

Posted on
Jun 6, 2013
Posted in: Random Musings

– Live in a town long enough, and it will change you. I’ve been in Seattle for much of my life, and much like the family pet goat that once drenched my five-year-old self with urine, this town has left its mark on me (although often in much kinder, less urine-y ways). For example …

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