The Blog

Hotel du Triangle d’Or, 9th Arrondissement, Paris

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Jul 8, 2013
Posted in: City Guide, Hotels

– My first impression of Paris didn’t take hold until we got to our hotel. The cab ride was lost to a jet-lagged fog – no opinions or observations of the city would be forthcoming. I simply struggled to keep my head up so that the driver would think I was awake, and wouldn’t take…

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The Week: July 3, 2013

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Jul 3, 2013

I know, I know – it seems really early to do a weekly roundup, but tomorrow is Independence Day here in the states, and I already intend to be in a barbecue-induced coma on Friday, so I’m cutting things a little short (okay, fine, I’m cutting them really short). I’ll be back next week, when I’ll conclude…

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Miami Beach Holocaust Memorial

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Jul 2, 2013

– I did not enjoy my visit to the Miami Beach Holocaust Memorial at all. I suppose that’s the point. I doubt anyone leaves a Holocaust memorial thinking, “Wowzers! That was fun!” But the memorial in Miami Beach is different from others I’ve visited. Whereas others have often made me feel contemplative and solemn, this…

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The Miami Beach Botanical Garden

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Jul 1, 2013

The Miami Beach Botanical Garden was a bit of a disappointment. – Having grown up in Florida, I can tell you that all manner of strange things grow in that state, and that the climate lends itself to being tropical and creepy. I remember once while my mother was gardening, she came across a tiny…

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The Week, June 28, 2013

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Jun 28, 2013

I feel like this week was one of those monumental weeks, filled with Supreme Court rulings and filibusters and bright pink sneakers. It’s the sort of week that I’m sure kids will read about, decades from now.   For me, this week was monumental for another reason as well. One year ago today, I had brain…

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The Hunt for Authenticity in Southern Florida

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Jun 27, 2013

Rand and I went to Miami and Boston for a few days last month. Rather than lug my camera, I decided to just take photos on my cell phone. I’m not entirely sure if I’m pleased with the results. I suspect that I won’t leave my Canon at home again. – I moved to Central…

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WTF Weds: Dopplegangers at the Louvre

Posted on
Jun 26, 2013
Posted in: WTF, WTF Wednesdays

Like most couples who’ve been together for way, waaaay too long, Rand and I have started seeing things the same way. I am acutely aware of how obnoxious this is for our friends and relatives. I will walk in to a room, and make an observation (“Hey! They have dry-cured olives! I love dry-cured olives!”),…

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The Bunker Hill Monument, Charlestown, Boston

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Jun 24, 2013

– I can hear them. Their shrieks and cries reverberate against the stone walls. They are far enough away that their wails are less ear piercing than normal – I wince at them, but the noise alone is not enough to render me immobile (as I know it can in closer proximities). Occasionally, I hear…

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