Symmetry in Photos, Paris
I’m feeling a little lazy. And working on a post about the Louvre that I hope will make you laugh. And having some fun with photos. Here are some I thought worked well together: – –
I’m feeling a little lazy. And working on a post about the Louvre that I hope will make you laugh. And having some fun with photos. Here are some I thought worked well together: – –
I’m taking a brief reprieve from my tales of Paris to tell you about a French Bakery … in Vancouver. I’ll get back to the city of light tomorrow. – I am standing on a street corner in a dodgy part of Vancouver, British Columbia, on the verge of a hunger-induced meltdown. I’m blaming Oli.…
It’s Friday! I’m in Vancouver for the weekend, visiting friends and eating way, waaay too much (too much sushi, too much Malaysian food, too much dessert). It’s downright lovely, as long as we don’t think too hard about the brutal exchange rate. While we celebrate Canada’s strong economy (and whimper about the decline of the…
Paris is such a lovely city, with so much to see, that it’s easy to overlook the little things. Which is a shame, because there’s beauty in the details (ignore whoever tells you otherwise). While walking, we passed building after building, a few which had rather incredible decorations on their doors. Check them out: –
– Paris, like most European cities, is a barren wasteland on a Sunday. The shops are all closed, the pastisseries boarded up, the streets empty. You can walk for hours and not find anything open – not even a grocery store at which you could possibly buy a roll of crackers to soothe your growling…
If you go to Montmartre, I suggest you do so without really meaning to. Set out for an afternoon walk, and end up there half on accident. That’s what we did. – I guess you could go there on purpose, too, but where’s the fun in that? You’ll probably be wearing appropriate footwear and will…
I’d like to deviate for a moment from my pastry tour of France to discuss my dalliance with an ambiguous piece of Bavarian taxidermy. – I should clarify (though I remain incredibly proud of that opening sentence): when I say Bavarian, I don’t mean that the actual taxidermical practices were ones that I’d distinctly associate…
My brain is a weensy bit fried. I’m in California, so blogging will be a little slow/light for the rest of the week. I’m visiting my aunt who just had heart surgery yesterday (and since I know you guys will ask, because you are thoughtful like that, she is doing wonderfully. Thank you for your…
– Today we are going to talk about eclairs. Because my blog tackles the tough issues. But first, let me tell you about one of my earliest memories. It is, depending on how you look at it, equal parts tragic and wonderful. When I was a wee little Everywhereist (back during a time when a…