The Blog

The Week: August 30, 2013

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Aug 30, 2013

I woke up early, and my day has been full of sunshine and fantastic things (like breakfast with one my oldest friends, and lunch with my sweetie, and recipes for pork carnitas that I am so making this weekend). Oh, and Rand is working from home today. It’s basically the most magical thing ever, because every…

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Bavaria, Land of Drunk Babies

Posted on
Aug 27, 2013
Posted in: Random Musings

My father lives in a rural part of Bavaria, surrounded by farmland. The air is rich with the smell of cows and manure, and traffic jams are caused by tractors. Should you think I am being hyperbolic on that last point: –

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The Week: August 23, 2013

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Aug 23, 2013

I’ve been having trouble sleeping these past few nights – I think my body’s trying to stay awake in some weird attempt to make the summer feel longer. But the grey skies are already moving in, and fall is, as much as I’d like to pretend otherwise, on its way. I’m accepting the end of…

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A Few More Paris Pics

Posted on
Aug 22, 2013

I’m almost done with Paris (at least, as far as blog goes. My personal love affair with the city is just starting). I have only one more post I really need to tackle, about the brunch we had on a grey morning, but I can’t for the life of me remember the name of the…

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The Louvre Museum, Paris (Like It’s 1999)

Posted on
Aug 21, 2013
Posted in: Attractions, Museums

It’s Wednesday, and I find that I’m still recovering from a weekend full of Bacchanalia spent up in Canada. There was so much … excess. I made so many bad decisions (most of them nutritional, though a few were sartorial) that at one point I turned to Rand and said, “This feels like college.” And…

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