The Blog

Buttercloud Bakery, Medford, OR

Posted on
Oct 8, 2013
Posted in: Food, Restaurants

Rand had read about Buttercloud Bakery online, and decided we needed to go there for breakfast. This might have caused me to squeal a little bit. – I like having breakfasts at bakeries. I like having practically any meal at a bakery. Hell, I’m beginning to think that maybe we should have gotten married at…

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Brain Surgery: 1 Year Later

Posted on
Sep 30, 2013

Things are different now. I feel like I could make a note in the timeline of my life to reflect this. “Here is everything that happened before brain surgery. Here’s everything after.” – I have trouble with this; I’ve never been that good with change. I like things to stay as they are. I become…

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The Week: September 27, 2013

Posted on
Sep 26, 2013

I woke up in the middle of the night last night and tried to figure out where I was. After I’d finally concluded it wasn’t a hotel I recognized, I realized, somewhat alarmed, that I was home. I didn’t recognize my own bedroom. Oy. Needless to say, we’ve been traveling a lot lately, and it’s…

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WTF Weds: The Cost of Groceries on Bowen Island, BC

Posted on
Sep 25, 2013
Posted in: Food, WTF, WTF Wednesdays

– Do you remember when Rand and I went to an island resort in the Great Barrier Reef, and it was wonderful and all, but the food was so expensive that I nearly passed out while simultaneously evacuating my bowels? But then my body kicked in and said: WE CANNOT AFFORD TO LEAVE ANY NUTRIENTS…

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Zero One Sushi, Vancouver, Canada

Posted on
Sep 24, 2013

– I have a foggy recollection from many, many years ago. It was back when I was working with Rand (yeah … that happened), and we went to get lunch at a convenience store. God, there are so many problems with that last sentence, but the important take-away is this: I once voluntarily ate a convenience store…

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The Paradox of Poutine

Posted on
Sep 23, 2013
Posted in: Food

– The other day, I was talking to a lovely young man named Eli. We had a thoroughly engrossing conversation, which is only slightly alarming in hindsight, because I am fairly certain that Eli was born in, like, 1989, and by then I’d been on the planet for almost a decade. People born in 1989…

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