The Blog

Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia

Posted on
Oct 21, 2013
Posted in: Attractions, Museums

I’m starting to realize I visit a lot of old prisons. Well, maybe not a lot, but certainly more than the average person. Enough to where I can roam around one and find myself thinking something like, “This old prison reminds me of that other old prison!” Can I tell you something? When you realize…

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The Week: October 18, 2013

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Oct 18, 2013

I love fall. I LOVE it. Especially when we actually get fall-like conditions, and not just, say, more rain. We’ve been having crisp days here in the northwest, with foggy mornings and sunny afternoons and lots of leaves crunching beneath our feet. In honor of that, I’ve been drinking copious amounts of tea and eating…

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10 Photos from New York

Posted on
Oct 17, 2013
Posted in: Photos, Top Ten

We weren’t in New York long. Just enough time for a trip to a few museums, a show, and for me to buy a pair of jeans at Uniqlo (they were so cheap that they stain my hands blue every time I wear them, and still I love them). That jaunt to New York was…

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WTF Weds: Red Lobster Restaurant, Medford, OR

Posted on
Oct 16, 2013

– When I was a kid, my family went out to eat approximately never. My mother will tell you that it was out of frugality, because my family was broke (not in a depressing, Charles-Dickens sort of way, but a charming and somewhat hilarious let’s-throw-a-blanket-over-the-kids-so-we-don’t-have-to-pay-for-them-at-the-Drive-In kind of way). I’m sure our reluctance to eat out…

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Holy Crap, We’re Lucky (Ruminations on a Care Package)

Posted on
Oct 15, 2013
Posted in: Random Musings

I suspect, if I didn’t have Rand to constantly remind me, I would easily forget how ridiculously, stupidly fortunate I am, and how charmed our lives are. He makes me aware of it all of the time. Not in a lecturing way,  but in a genuinely grateful, almost surprised way. “Holy crap,” he will say,…

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The Week: October 11, 2013

Posted on
Oct 11, 2013

Sorry for the low output of posts these last few days. Rand and I have been in Philadelphia for the week, and it’s been a whirlwind (far more for him than for me, of course. My “whirlwinds” tend to consist of museum visits, cupcakes, and the acquisition of accessories). Fortunately, it’s been pouring rain for…

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