The Blog

Oyster House, Philadelphia

Posted on
Nov 6, 2013
Posted in: Food, Restaurants

– I arrived at Oyster House long after the lunch rush, which is one of the advantages of traveling eastward – by the time you are hungry, everyone else has eaten. It came recommend to me by our friend Nora, with whom we were staying. “It’s really good,” she said. “And don’t worry – they have…

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Scenes From In and Around Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia

Posted on
Nov 3, 2013
Posted in: Parks, Photos

– One thing that has always struck me about the northeast United States is how many darn town squares there are. You can’t walk more than a few blocks without running right into some sort of old, well-laid-out public park. I figure it’s a hold-out from colonial times, when you needed public areas like that…

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The Week: November 1, 2013

Posted on
Nov 1, 2013

Happy November, everyone. And yes, I know: Halloween is over. But much of these links still pay homage to that spooky and wonderful holiday (and they’re perfectly suitable for the Day of the Dead, too). Plus, if you are anything like me, you are nursing quite the candy hangover, and are presently trying to figure…

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How to Travel to the Maldives for Cheap (Guest Post By Danny)

Posted on
Oct 29, 2013
Posted in: Guest Posts

– Last week, my friend Danny emailed me about writing a guest post for the blog. This delighted me, because it meant that I’d get to spend today eating cookie bars and watching daytime television. Also, I got to read something that Danny had written, which is pretty wonderful in and of itself. He’s written…

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Spring Garden Subway Stop, Philadelphia

Posted on
Oct 28, 2013

I am climbing the stairs up and out of the subway, and before I even reach street level, I know: I’m lost. There are only two subway lines in Philadelphia, and I’ve managed to get on the wrong one. There’s plenty of amusement to be found in the situation (seriously, how the hell did I…

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The Week: October 25, 2013

Posted on
Oct 25, 2013

Do you ever have those mornings where you find yourself spray painting a fake ax guitar for your husband’s Halloween costume, and thinking that maybe, just maybe, you’ve outgrown this whole Halloween thing? That perhaps adulthood means that you don’t get dressed up in silly outfits and binge on two pounds of candy every October…

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The Gritty Sincerity of Philly

Posted on
Oct 23, 2013

– We spent a week in Philadelphia, and halfway through our trip someone asked me what I thought of it. We were in a neighborhood bar, dark and cozy, the breed of which sadly does not exist in my town. Everyone knew everyone by name, and no one seemed to give a damn about tabs…

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