The Blog

The Week: November 22, 2013

Posted on
Nov 22, 2013

Today is the fiftieth anniversary of JFK’s assassination. Half a century later, it seems that the event still horrifies and captivates us. No aspect of it has gone unscrutinized. I’ve been devouring the Kennedy coverage – on everything from the suit Jackie wore on that day to the story of the AP writer who served as a pallbearer…

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Train of Thought

Posted on
Nov 20, 2013
Posted in: Random Musings

I went to L.A. and brought him a toy train on a string. I figured it would go over well, and it did. I wasn’t really surprised. He is my brother’s son, after all. He dragged the train around with him, and then he showed it to Rand.  –

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The Magic Gardens, Philadelphia

Posted on
Nov 19, 2013

– The thing that I love about humanity, besides Thai food and the tendency to dress our young up as animals, is our commitment to the arts. That as a species, as soon as our basic needs are met (and even if they aren’t) we all hellbent on writing and composing and painting and sculpting…

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Rangoon Burmese Restaurant, Philadelphia

Posted on
Nov 18, 2013

Rand is currently out of town (he left on Sunday morning, and he’ll be back tonight). His absence makes me nervous, because when he is not around, it means that I am alone. Now, that wouldn’t be a problem except for this: I should not be left alone, ever. Being alone means that I am…

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The Week: November 15, 2013

Posted on
Nov 15, 2013

After a glorious October and a wonderful start to November, it seems that the rain has finally caught up with us here in the northwest. As I stare at the droplets streaked across my office window, I realize that I have very little motivation to change out of my pjs on this grey morning. While…

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10 Photos From Walking Around Philadelphia

Posted on
Nov 14, 2013
Posted in: Photos, Top Ten

We had a rental car in Philadelphia, but still I walked. I walked through downtown, down to the Italian market and back up again. When I got tired, I took the subway or hopped on a bus. But mostly, I saw the city on foot. I walked in muggy heat and pouring rain, both of…

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The Mutter Museum, Philadelphia

Posted on
Nov 13, 2013

– I have a persistent and haunting memory from my childhood. I must have been 8 or 9 years old, and I was at the county fair in Florida. County fairs in the south are a big deal: they’re fun but also sort of creepy and disturbing. The structures are temporary, there’s extension cords everywhere,…

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A Near-Miss At Paradise Point Resort, San Diego

Posted on
Nov 11, 2013

I’m sorry for the lull in blogging, and the long delay in recounting the highlights of our Philly trip. I promise to get back to all of that tomorrow. Today, though, I wanted to tell you about something that happened during our weekend jaunt to California. Because I think the full force of it hasn’t…

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