The Blog

No Roses in Palm Springs

Posted on
Jan 21, 2014

There are no roses in Palm Springs. At least, none that we saw. So if we couldn’t stop and smell those, there was only one thing left to do: – We had to pause and contemplate the cacti. (Note: Rand is growing out his facial hair and having way too much fun doing it.)

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Joshua Tree National Park, California

Posted on
Jan 16, 2014
Posted in: Parks

– Joshua Tree National Park is about a 90 minute drive from Palm Springs, which is totally fine is you are over the age of 2, but kind of a bummer if you aren’t. And one of us wasn’t. –

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We Go To Palm Springs, And Almost Act Like Grown-Ups

Posted on
Jan 14, 2014
Posted in: Random Musings

(No, wait. Nevermind. We totally don’t.) – Despite being thirty-cough-cough-hack, Rand and I live our lives like we are perpetually in our twenties. We stay up late, we sleep in, we make cookies at 10pm and watch cartoons while they bake, our home gradually smelling more and more like vanilla. Actually, I don’t think people in…

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The Week: January 10, 2014

Posted on
Jan 10, 2014

We’re back in grey Seattle, and plan to be for the next few weeks. It’s kind of great to be home. It’s chilly and wonderful here (perfect weather for making soup and cookies and puddings). Plus, the Seahawks are in the playoffs. I considered casting all sorts of gentle hexes on the Saints (I don’t…

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2013, Revisited: Self-Portraits on Planes

Posted on
Jan 9, 2014
Posted in: Air Travel, Photos

– I know, I know. I already recapped 2013 with a bunch of nauseating photos of me and my husband, making out in various locations around the world. And many of you clicked through it, and managed to contain the contents of your stomach, and for that, you should be commended.

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The TSA Almost Confiscated My Souvenirs. Here’s Why.

Posted on
Jan 7, 2014
Posted in: Air Travel

This post was almost about macaronuts (which is, for those of you who are unfamiliar, a French macaron that is batter dipped and fried, like a doughnut. I whispered sweet nothings at it while eating it, like a praying mantis to her mate. But something slightly more interesting happened just today (if such a thing…

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