The Blog

Palm Springs Aerial Tramway and Mt. Jacinto State Park

Posted on
Feb 4, 2014
Posted in: Attractions, Parks

  For years, my aunt has tried to persuade me to move to California. Her tactic has been repetition of the state’s numerous glittering qualities. “We have the beaches, and then the mountains are just an hour away. An hour! You can go swimming at the beach and then go skiing!” When that fails, mostly…

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The Week: Jan. 31, 2014

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Jan 31, 2014

Football. Football. Football football football. Football, football, football, football. Foot. Ball. FOOTBALL. Football? Football. (The Seahawks are playing in the Super Bowl this Sunday. Clearly, its gone to my head. While I try to regain some sanity, and make a deadline, you enjoy these links. Warning: most of them are related to … yeah. You guessed…

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How Not to Make a Crostata

Posted on
Jan 27, 2014

– Someone recently told me that I need to start “lifestyle blogging” instead of just travel blogging, which sort of confused me, because my everyday life isn’t necessarily something you’d want to emulate. Most days, I’m locked in a battle with myself about whether several cookies and a glass of milk are as nutritionally viable…

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The Week: January 24, 2014

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Jan 24, 2014

A funny thing happens the week after your team makes it to the Superbowl. In the beginning, you’re kind of confused and dazed. Did it actually happen? Did we actually beat the 49ers? And gradually, gradually, acceptance sets in. Yup. It happened. The Seahawks are going to the Superbowl, for only the second time ever.…

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Papa’s Smokehouse BBQ, Yucca Valley, CA

Posted on
Jan 21, 2014
Posted in: Food, Restaurants

– I am a sucker for good barbecue. There isn’t a lot of it in Washington, at least not in Seattle. I suppose it’s so cold and grey here that no one wants to stand outside next to a smoker for several hours. Or maybe it’s because there are a lot of folks out there…

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