The Blog

Blue Star Donuts, Portland, OR

Posted on
Mar 5, 2014

My apologies for the quality of images in this post. Many of them were taken with my cell phone, because I was too busy eating to be bothered with my SLR.    I have been told on more than one occasion that I am not unlike a hobbit. I’ve always figured this was less to…

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Breakfast at Tasty & Alder, Portland, OR

Posted on
Mar 4, 2014

I have never believed in love at first sight, or the epicurial equivalent of it (love at first bite?) My brain just doesn’t work that way – it likes to take its sweet time in deciding how it feels about something. Rand and I dated for years before I realized exactly how much I liked…

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WTF Weds: Charles de Gaulle Airport Signs

Posted on
Feb 26, 2014
Posted in: WTF, WTF Wednesdays

Rand was in Hamburg last week, while I stayed home and watched American Idol. We were both happy with this arrangement, because he HATES American Idol, and I wasn’t quite feeling up to going to Germany for only two days. Also, I was able to learn that I kind of hate American Idol, too, and…

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12 Incredibly Important Photos from Palm Springs

Posted on
Feb 25, 2014
Posted in: Photos, Top Ten

My trip to Palm Springs was nearly two months ago, but our travel schedule has been off to slow start in 2014 (or, rather, mine has), and there hasn’t been much else to blog about. So I figured I’d squeeze one last post from our trip, and it happens to be one of great significance. These…

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The Week: February 21, 2014

Posted on
Feb 21, 2014

You know that feeling, when you have so much work to do that your brain can actually process it so you just sit, slack-jawed, staring into the space or (as is my situation) your computer screen? That. I have that. A looming deadline, a pile of dirty laundry, an insurmountable number of papers to make…

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PR People Are People, Too.

Posted on
Feb 19, 2014
Posted in: Random Musings

Isn’t it kind of amazing how we occasionally forget that we’re all people? It happens all the time. We crowd into elevators, we cut people off in traffic, we curse at actors on TV when they’re wearing that new JCrew top that we couldn’t afford (okay, maybe I’m the only one that does that last…

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