The Blog

The Week: March 21, 2014

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Mar 21, 2014

It’s Friday! I have a crapload of things to do, and thanks to the success of yesterday’s post, I now have an inbox full of requests to guest blog (I CAN’T TELL WHO IS JOKING AND WHO ISN’T ANYMORE). While I try to tackle the insurmountable task that is my email, you enjoy these links.…

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The Week: March 14, 2014

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Mar 14, 2014

It is a shockingly stunning Friday here in Seattle. It’s warm outside, the sun is shining, and the window to my office is wide open, letting in a breeze. The air almost smells like spring. Naturally, I am finding all of this kind of crazy distracting. It is very, very hard to stare at your…

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Ruminations on Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

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Mar 12, 2014

I’ve been thinking a lot about Malaysia Airlines flight 370 which went missing days ago. I suppose everyone has. It’s strange and sad, and right now it’s an open-ended mystery, which I think must be excruciating for the family members of the 239 people who were on board. I honestly can’t imagine anything worse that not knowing.…

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The Week: March 7, 2014

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Mar 7, 2014

I don’t know if it’s just me, but lately, so much of what I read or see online feels charged with emotion. There’s no apathy. Nothing feels phoned-in. It’s … well, beautiful, I guess. Occasionally sad. Really intense. As are a few of these links. I tried to throw a little levity in there, too,…

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