The Blog

In the Middle of Germany, I See an Old Friend

Posted on
Apr 29, 2014
Posted in: Random Musings

  We are sitting in a cafe in Füssen, eating a way-too-sweet (but still delicious) merengata dessert when it happens. The screen on my new camera flashes “memory card full” and then goes to black. I can’t take any more photos. “What the hell?” I yell, and then, for reasons that are still confusing to…

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The Week: April 26, 2014

Posted on
Apr 26, 2014

This round-up is a day late. My apologies for that. It’s also got quite a few links of a sexual nature. No apologies there because, hey, it’s the weekend. Enjoy. ————— A map illustrating the most popular baseball teams by county. (Apparently nobody cares about Canada.) ————— “‘Wow-sabi?’ Is that like Wasabi, but with added…

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Neuschwanstein Castle, Schwangau, Germany

Posted on
Apr 24, 2014
Posted in: Attractions

I had been to Neuschwanstein once before, in 2005. I went with my parents. Both of them. I do not recommend going anywhere with my parents. I love them both – I really and truly do. Without them, I would not exist, and I am such a huge fan of existing. But good heavens, there…

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WTF Weds: Blackface Othello, Germany

Posted on
Apr 23, 2014
Posted in: WTF, WTF Wednesdays

I’ve learned that certain things which may be considered totally acceptable in one country aren’t okay in another. That customs and cultures don’t necessarily translate. Even the things that we find to be horrifically offensive aren’t universal. Recently, I visited my family in Italy. I got to talking with my cousin, and she explained to…

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Bavarian Honey

Posted on
Apr 22, 2014
Posted in: Food

The first time I saw this thing outside my dad’s house, I sort of snickered. – I remember staring at it, thinking, “Good heavens, that’s just awful. Whatever it is.” And then I pretty much ignored it, except to cast a sideways glance in its direction every time I passed. Now I realize, like nearly…

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The Week: April 18, 2014

Posted on
Apr 18, 2014

I’m home, and trying to fall back into the swing of things. Back into writing. Back into sleeping in my own bed. Back into culling the internet for awesome links. I’m still weirdly jet-lagged (3:00pm nap, anyone?) but I’m getting there. Enjoy. ————— The unexpected octegenarian fashionistas of NYC’s Chinatown. ————— Olivia Waite is a…

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