The Blog

10 Photos from Germany: Seeshaupt and the Starnberger See

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May 12, 2014
Posted in: Photos, Top Ten

On our last morning in Germany, we went to Seeshaupt. I was absolutely not drunk, but some of my photos seem to suggest otherwise. I can only assume that wandering around a picturesque lake on a quiet morning has an intoxicating effect on me, and that I shouldn’t drive after visiting one. I also shouldn’t drive…

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The Week: May 9, 2014

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May 9, 2014

I’ve had one of those weeks that, looking back on it, seems sort of absurd. Yesterday, Rand and I walked along a beach, staring out onto the Pacific Ocean, up on Whidbey Island. And he noted how just 24 hours before, we’d been walking on a beach along the Atlantic. I wrinkled my brow. “No,…

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Quote from The Bartender’s Tale

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May 9, 2014

I finished The Bartender’s Tale on the flight to Germany, at some nameless hour high above the North Pole. I decided to leave it with my dad, but there was one snippet I wanted to hang onto. So I took a photo of it. – Pretty easy to guess which part, I fell in love…

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Dad’s Village, at Dusk.

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May 6, 2014

My dad lives in a small Bavarian village about an hour outside of Munich. I usually don’t blog about it, even though it’s crazy adorable, because it’s also immensely sleepy and boring. The little hamlet shuts down after 6 or 7 pm on weekdays. And pretty much all day on weekends. And Mondays, too. It’s…

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The Alpspitzbahn and AlspiX Viewing Platform, Garmisch, Germany

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May 5, 2014
Posted in: Attractions

It was an absolutely gorgeous day in Bavarian, and all Rand wanted to do was go to Garmisch. He wanted to sit in the sunshine in a picturesque Bavarian town and do nothing all morning, besides eating a pretzel or three. “But we’ve been to Garmisch a dozen times,” I whined. “That’s because Garmisch is amazing.”…

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The Week: May 2, 2014

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May 2, 2014

This week in Seattle has been positively gorgeous. We’re having a spring heatwave, which happens approximately never. It’s been amazing and also really confusing, because I keep grabbing a cardigan when I leave the house, even though there’s no way I could need it (sometimes I wear the cardigan anyway, though, just to … prove…

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We Visit Germany, and Actually Get Some Nice Photos of My Dad

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May 1, 2014

I have trouble describing my dad. He’s not incredibly cheerful, but he isn’t melancholy, either. I don’t think anyone would call him warm, nor would it be accurate to say that he’s unfriendly. If I were forced to put his demeanor into words, I’d say he’s rather serious, and often rather annoyed. His annoyance usually…

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