The Blog

Warning Signs in Italy

Posted on
May 27, 2014
Posted in: Random Musings

My family has trouble following directions. I’m not entirely sure if it’s a my family thing, or an Italian thing. Sometimes it’s hard to tell.   Like their total disregard for warning signs. Is it a countrywide epidemic? Or is it just that my family is nuts?

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Pranzo in Italy

Posted on
May 26, 2014

I suppose I should have warned Rand.   Honestly, though, I thought he knew. That is why I didn’t lean over and whisper, “Pace yourself. There are four more courses to go.” I mean, why else are they called primi and secondi? They are referring to courses. What they don’t really mention in Italian restaurants…

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The Archaeologists in My Aunt’s Yard

Posted on
May 22, 2014
Posted in: Random Musings

I wish I had taken more photos of the archaeologists in my aunt’s yard, but I was too busy marveling at the fact that there were archaeologists in my aunt’s yard.  She was completely used to it, of course. Her village, my grandfather’s own, is ancient. I knew this. The area is full of artifacts…

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Giggling at the Fountains in Italy

Posted on
May 19, 2014
Posted in: Photos, WTF

Sometimes I think I have the maturity level of an 11-year-old. Other times, I am absolutely convinced of it. We’ll be walking around someplace beautiful, and instead of taking in the amazing architecture or historical significance of the place, I’ll be doubled over, laughing hysterically because there are two stray cats getting it on in…

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The Week: May 16, 2014

Posted on
May 16, 2014

Do you ever have a sad experience that lets you reflect on the beauty of existing? (That was a really awful sentence. Sorry. I think I just gagged a little.) What I mean is, have you ever found yourself crying about something, and then you realized that the reason you’re upset is that you actually…

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Borgo San Rocco 37, Frigento, Italy

Posted on
May 15, 2014
Posted in: Hotels

We needed a place to stay in Frigento. The home that my grandfather had bought my grandmother all those years ago didn’t have heat, so it was out of the question. We arrived just a few weeks before Easter, but even then, the house was still too chilly. I didn’t need much convincing on this…

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WTF Weds: The Peacock in The Village

Posted on
May 14, 2014

“Is … is that a peacock?” Rand asked me as we walked through the village. “Where?” “Over there, by the church.” “I highly doubt it,” I said, squinting in the direction he was pointing. “I don’t think that-” And then I saw it. “Yup,” I said. “That’s definitely a peacock.”

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