The Blog

The Reign of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia

Posted on
Jul 22, 2014
Posted in: Uncategorized

Yesterday, I discussed the political situation in Cambodia that allowed for the Khmer Rouge to rise to power. Today, I want to talk about what happened once they were in control of the country. All the same caveats that I mentioned yesterday still hold true. Mainly: I’m not a historian, so while I’ve done my…

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The Rise to Power of The Khmer Rouge in Cambodia

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Jul 20, 2014
Posted in: Uncategorized

Lesson 1: The Khmer Rouge. It seems pointless to tell you about Cambodia without first going into the country’s history, particularly in the last forty years or so. Some will chastise me, and will be quick to say that the country is more than the Khmer Rouge, more than this dark history. That’s true: I…

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I Mustache For Your Patience

Posted on
Jul 16, 2014
Posted in: Site News

I’ve been slacking lately on the blog. I’m sorry about that. Balancing travel, home, life, the blog, and the book has been harder than I thought. This last week has been particularly busy – mostly for Rand. His company’s annual conference is taking place here in Seattle, which means he’s been running around non-stop. It…

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Cambodia: First Impressions. Lesson Learned.

Posted on
Jul 14, 2014

  We arrived late on a Saturday night, by way of Seoul, a 12-hour flight followed by a 5-hour one. We’d elected to have a car pick us up from the airport, and pressed our faces against the backseat windows as we drove to our hotel, watching the landscape. What was most surprising was that…

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Back from Asia

Posted on
Jul 10, 2014

You know that part in The Princess Bride where Wesley has just become reanimated after being “mostly dead” all day, and Inigo is trying to fill him in on what happened? “Let me explain … no. There is too much. Let me sum up.” That’s kind of how I feel right now. There is so…

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Taverna Buonvicino, Amalfi, Italy

Posted on
Jul 3, 2014
Posted in: Food, Restaurants

  It is very, very hard to find a good, reasonably priced meal in Amalfi. Most places we went to were subpar. They could afford to be – they’d have a steady stream of tourists coming in regardless of the quality of the food. There were a few more restaurants that were staggeringly well-reviewed, but also…

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WTF Weds: Signs in Sorrento, Italy

Posted on
Jul 2, 2014

My presumption with any warning sign, or really any sign at all, is that it exists for a reason. Like, you wouldn’t put a warning sign that says “Watch Your Step!” unless a dozen or so people had tripped on that particular spot. No sign, I figure, is unsolicited or unprovoked. Which is why the…

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