The Blog

The Week: Jan. 9, 2015

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Jan 8, 2015

  Hi! Um … Wow. It’s been … a while. How are you?  Me? Oh, I’ve been good. Yeah. And yourself? Man, it feels weird to be back here. Familiar, but also really weird. Like when you bump into an ex-boyfriend long after a bad break-up. But when you first see them, your brain doesn’t…

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A Look Back at Ashland, Summer 2014

Posted on
Jan 8, 2015
Posted in: Random Musings

  Yesterday afternoon, after a surprisingly productive few days, my brain broke and refused to yield one more word of content. I tried bribing it with promises of a new pair of jeans, but that didn’t work, and so I ate an entire half cobbler, thinking maybe that would do the trick. It did not,…

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Scenes from D.C.: The Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial

Posted on
Jan 6, 2015
Posted in: Attractions

After visiting the Petersen house, and indulging in an absurdly expensive lunch, I headed to the National Mall. It was not, as the name more commonly would suggest, an indoor building filled with retail stores dedicated to all things Americana. Nor did it possess that cornerstone of the suburban retail mall: a group of disaffected teenagers…

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Taking a Selfie at the Washington Monument is Impossible

Posted on
Dec 17, 2014
Posted in: Photos

I feel this is a rather critical piece of information that you should know before visiting D.C.: if you endeavor to take a selfie at the Washington Monument, the task will not be an easy one. From a distance, it is incredibly easy to take some pretty fantastic photos of structure, especially if you are…

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The White House Wants You To Travel

Posted on
Dec 15, 2014

… and I’m pretty okay with that. I am conflicted and hopeful. I guess politics will do that to you. I got home last week from my first trip ever to D.C. It was brief, yet felt monumental in all sorts of ways. Perhaps because I was surrounded by monuments.   It was my first…

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