The Blog

Storms in Bushman’s Kloof

Posted on
Jan 22, 2015
Posted in: Random Musings

Our first two days in the Kloof, it rained. This was new. Last time, the weather varied from hot to “OMG MY FACE IS MELTING LIKE THAT NAZI FROM RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARC” hot. Now it was colder than it had been in London the week before, which isn’t really saying much, because London…

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More Scenes from St. Albans

Posted on
Jan 21, 2015

By popular demand, here are a few more scenes from St. Albans. (Tomorrow we’ll talk about South Africa and the Kloof some more. And then I’ll go back even further, to our Australia trip, and then … I have a lot to cover, folks. A lot. This blog NEVER ENDS. It is forever unfinished. It…

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Sunshine in London.

Posted on
Jan 19, 2015

I’d seen London so many times before. But I don’t think it’s ever been as lovely as it was at the end of October.   I’ve heard it said that living in Seattle is like being married to a beautiful woman who’s sick all the time. And while that’s clever, it’s a little chauvinistic, isn’t…

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The Week: January 16, 2015

Posted on
Jan 16, 2015

You guys. YOU GUYS. The playoffs are this weekend and the Seahawks are playing Green Bay. I know that this probably means very little to most of you, but it’s basically a defining moment in my marriage and if we can get through this weekend WE CAN GET THROUGH ANYTHING. We’re actually both pretty psyched,…

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Dans Le Noir Restaurant, London

Posted on
Jan 15, 2015
Posted in: Restaurants, WTF

  “I can’t figure out what this is.” “It’s … slimy.” “I can’t cut anything.” “Cut? I’ve just been using my hands.” “Speaking of hands, Geraldine, keep yours to yourself.” “GOD DAMN IT, JON. Lisa, I swear, I’m not touching him.” ————— I have heard that if you take one sense away, the others rush…

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All I Did Was Blink.

Posted on
Jan 15, 2015

I’m working on a post about a pitch-black restaurant we visited in London, but it’s taking me longer than I thought to pull together. In the meantime, I wanted to share with you some photos from our trip to California over the holidays. These were taken by our friend Dawn at dinner on our last…

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Street Art in London’s East End

Posted on
Jan 13, 2015

  I tried to do a street art walking tour when we were last in London. I’ve always wanted to take one, to have someone point out the Banskys that I’ve walked by a dozen times and failed to notice. When we were there in the fall, the weather was unseasonably warm (the last day…

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