Our Dinner With T-Rex.
“Jack, look! A lizard! What should we name him?” “T-Rex.”
“Jack, look! A lizard! What should we name him?” “T-Rex.”
My husband has a habit of wearing his nicest clothes around his favorite toddlers, and after I found myself scrubbing blueberry out of his favorite dress shirt, I kindly suggested through clenched teeth that he be a little bit more careful. Or that he consider wearing something less expensive and more machine washable. And because life is…
Not every element of our trip in Bushman’s Kloof was Jack-proof. When Reggie, our field guide, told us about the crystal pools, he explained that the hike wouldn’t be appropriate for a toddler, and the staff made arrangements to have Malcolm, our lodge manager, watch Jack. I wish I had a photo of the…
When you have a wonderful trip, it is incredibly hard to remember one distinct day, because they all sort of run together in a crazy, cake-fueled haze. At the end of it, you are five pounds heavier and you have on a bathing suit bottom instead of underwear because you wore your last clean pair the…
Warning: Today’s post is all about me gushing over my husband. The jaded and cynical may want to skip it entirely, or possibly read it with a barf bucket at hand. Because holy cats, you guys: he’s really effing cute. I can’t get over this shot. I think he looks so handsome: This…
Before I begin this post, I feel it pertinent to provide a little background on my relationship with my brother. This is what happened after he shared an article I wrote on Facebook: This was a rare moment of non-vitriol. Most of the time, I just tell him that I hate him and that…
Friends, Seattleites, Pac NW Countrymen, lend me your ears! … Today kinda sucks, huh? For some of us, this pain is not new. It’s one we’ve come to know well. We were there when Hasselbeck won the coin toss in the wildcard game in 2003, when he bravely said we were going to score,…
I know this is a WTF Wedsnesday post, and today is Friday. What can I say, folks? Laziness is a hell of a drug. I feel like most normal people are irrationally scared of at least one harmless animal. I speak not of rational fears, mind you. I think it’s totally reasonable to fear…
Last week an old love of mine got engaged. He is from so far back in my past that there is no trace left of the heartache that followed the relationship – all that remains is the hazy memory that I was sad when it was over. The news of his engagement makes me…