The Blog

I’m Rejoicing in Tom Brady’s Punishment. Here’s Why.

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May 12, 2015

Yesterday, the NFL announced the consequences Tom Brady and the Patriots would face for deflating game balls during their playoff match versus the Indianapolis Colts. The details, by now, are known to virtually everyone who’s interested in the game, and even to those who aren’t: a four-game suspension for Brady, a million-dollar fine for the Patriots,…

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8 Effing Awesome Foods You Should Eat While In Valencia

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May 11, 2015
Posted in: Uncategorized

I want to continue talking about the food in Spain, mainly because I’ve gone insane since coming home and have decided to stop eating carbohydrates. Or, at least, I think I have. I’m not entirely clear what carbohydrates are. I figured it was just bread and pasta and all the other foods that make life…

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My Husband Finally Finds Someone Who Understands Him.

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May 5, 2015
Posted in: Random Musings

We went to the Aquarium while we were in Valencia. It’s often what we do when we’re visiting a city and it’s raining outside – an unplanned tradition, one that formed slowly, but one we’ve stuck to nevertheless. L’Oceanographic Aquarium at the Ciudad of the Arts and Sciences is rather sprawling; Rand and I easily lost…

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Traditional Dishes of Valencia: Paella vs. Arròs Negre

Posted on
Apr 29, 2015
Posted in: Food, Restaurants

My muscles hurt. This is only slightly unexpected. I have been known, on occasion, to go for a run, even if it might be in pursuit of an ice cream truck. But lately, I’ve been running, doing the occasional push-up, and, perhaps most shockingly of all, I’ve been eating with a more discerning eye. This…

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