The Blog

I Torment My Husband By EyeBombing All His Stuff

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Jun 3, 2015

Someone once told me that the key to any lasting marriage is honesty, which is maybe true for, like, the Pilgrims, or any other archaic religious group that doesn’t believe in the real secret to marriage: passive aggressiveness. Also spite. Having a shared interest or hobby helps, too. But seriously, that last thing is impossible to…

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I Went Paleo and Now I Hate Everything.

Posted on
May 31, 2015

Recently, I went pseudo Paleo. I say pseudo, because, like most things in my life, I’ve jumped in headfirst without putting any thought or research into it (this is also how I ended up taking a workout class called “Insanity.” Afterwards, I was drooling and delirious. So I guess it delivered). So, despite being totally…

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Things in Women’s Magazines that Make Me Stabby

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May 28, 2015

Sometimes, during our travels, I will purchase a fashion magazine at the airport. It’s a terrible idea: they’re expensive and they don’t make me feel good about myself, but for some reason, I keep buying them (note: this also applies to skinny jeans and ten-pack-passes to barre class. Sometimes it’s nice to pretend we’re something we…

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OMG. Baby Owls at Kirstenbosch, Cape Town.

Posted on
May 25, 2015
Posted in: Attractions

I was tempted to once again use last week’s gimmick – of attempting to write about the Holy Grail, but getting distracted by my fascination with flightless birds – at the beginning of this post. But I didn’t want to exhaust the joke and besides, I don’t need any pretense here: this post is about…

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Ostriches at the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa

Posted on
May 22, 2015
Posted in: Attractions

Okay, where was I before yesterday’s digression into the flightless birds of South Africa? Oh, right. I was telling you about the Holy Grail. Arguably one of the most important relics in all of- OSTRICHES. Err, sorry. Heh. That was weird. The Holy Grail. One of the most important relics in all of Catholicism. Ahem.…

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Penguins at Boulders Beach, South Africa.

Posted on
May 21, 2015
Posted in: Attractions

I was in the process of working on a post about the Holy Grail. My family is Catholic, so I figured it was kind of important, because the grail marks the point in time when we all should have started feeling really guilty about stuff. Anyway, I was thinking about the post, and drafting a…

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