The Blog

Travel Clothing: A Symphony of Horrors in Nylon

Posted on
Jun 23, 2015
Posted in: Rants and Raves

When I’m not complaining about things that I have voluntarily brought upon myself, or tormenting my husband, I’m a travel writer. Since my beloved refuses to check luggage, a large portion of my time on the road is spent washing my underwear in the hotel sink and sniffing my shirts to see if they can be worn “just…

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The Chapel of The Holy Grail, Valencia, Spain

Posted on
Jun 22, 2015
Posted in: Attractions

“Is that …” Lisa trails off, never taking her eyes off the contents of the elaborate metal shrine in front of us. “A mummified arm,” I reply. “Yeah.” She is wordless for a moment, staring at the left arm of (according to a nearby placard) St. Vincent the Martyr. Then she looks back to me, as though…

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Father’s Day Cards for Broken People.

Posted on
Jun 21, 2015
Posted in: Random Musings

Father’s Day is always kind of tough for me. My dad lives in Germany, and has since before I can remember, so we don’t usually spend the holiday together. Normally, I just call him, and we have the sort of awkward exchange that only two people with virtually nothing in common – except for a…

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Rand Finds The Last Eyebomb.

Posted on
Jun 11, 2015

Last week, I put googly eyes on a bunch of Rand’s stuff around the house, in order to teach him a lesson about … I can’t remember. But I’m sure it was important. Anyway, today he found the last eyebomb. “Someone wants to eat my hair. That’s great. It has googly eyes. I’m so happy.”…

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Someone Got Drunk And Then Designed This Bathroom.

Posted on
Jun 8, 2015
Posted in: WTF

When we were last in South Africa, I used the most amazing toilet ever (we saw other stuff, too, like penguins and spring bok and geckos. And yet, this post is about toilets). I also used one of the weirdest toilets ever. It was in the house we rented in Camps Bay, which is not too…

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