The Blog

Time Spent in Los Angeles.

Posted on
Jul 21, 2015
Posted in: Random Musings

My alarm clock, I am sad to report, does not respond to screaming. My husband already apparently knew this. I was a little surprised by it. For those of you who were unaware, let me state it for posterity: you cannot stop the passage of time by yelling at clocks, or calendars, or even people. Time will continue…

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Milan, in Photos.

Posted on
Jul 16, 2015
Posted in: Photos

Milan doesn’t really feel like Italy. It lacks the craziness of the south, the noise and chaos that flows through my veins and feels like home. But it is lovely nonetheless. Here is the Duomo in the sunlight.

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I Made Brain Cancer Greeting Cards.

Posted on
Jun 28, 2015

Exactly three years ago, I had brain surgery for the first and only time. Last week, my friend Chad had his fourth brain surgery. We started writing to one another during that strange, pivotal summer three years ago. I was still groggy from the procedure and ravenous from the steroids I was on. Chad had had…

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Well Played, Raisinets. Well Played.

Posted on
Jun 24, 2015

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post addressed to Nestlé about Raisinets. I never directly contacted the company about their crimes against candy. I simply blogged about it, screaming into the ether of the internet like any good lunatic would do. I did not expect Nestlé to actually see my letter. I certainly did not…

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