The Blog

Scenes from Wallingford Castle Meadows, England

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Sep 15, 2015
Posted in: Random Musings

In England, we stayed in a little town called Wallingford, not far from where our friends were getting married. The village had its own castle, which I’m starting to believe is the European equivalent of a Dairy Queen. Every small town has at least one. It’s where the teenagers hang out when they’re bored and…

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Peveril Castle and Cave Dale, Peak District, England

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Sep 13, 2015
Posted in: Attractions

When compared to the rich history that all but assaults you when you’re in England, Peveril Castle isn’t that interesting. Built by Henry II in 1176, it was one of England’s earliest Norman fortresses. It would change hands over the years, moving in and out of royal control. By the end of the fourteenth century,…

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The Cancerful Foundation

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Sep 9, 2015

I’ve been talking a lot to Chad lately, of The Brain Chancery fame, which is always fun. And by “fun” I mean “a really effective way to keep my ego in check.” Because while I walk around thinking I’m a badass because I had one brain surgery, Chad has gone on to have four (he…

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